Gasket Dispensing and Conformal Coating With On-Board UV Cure
UV cure materials have many critical production floor advantages, but many UV cure materials are skin sensitizers and present contact dermatitus issues. In low cycle time, high volume applications, the newly formed gasket or dispensed conformal coat is passed on automatically to a UV cure lamp by either conveyor or index table. In low volume applications this additional automation can be cost prohibitive, causing many to opt for operator load and unload of uncured parts.
At New Precision Technology we have an alternative for low volume production: on-board uv cure. With this process, a gasket or coating is dispensed and then the part is driven to the back of the dispenser where a UV lamp exposes the material and the material then solidifies. As a result, the operator is not exposed to uncured material through part handling. As there are no handling steps between dispense and cure, there is no opportunity for accidental deformation due to handling. Gasket slumping is controlled as the interval between dispense and cure is strictly defined.
While this is not a new process for us - we have systems with on-board UV cure that have been in the field for more than ten years - our new graphical-user-interface tightly integrates a variety of differing UV manufacturer's systems with our controls. This tight integration allows better diagnostics, improved shutter control, and in many cases, more precise exposure control.