Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are typically fabricated from Gerber data (aka: EIA RS-274) and as a result are often available for use in other manufacturing processes. DXF data can be made available for many other application types or even readily created on the fly. Both of these data sources can be read by our Gerber Reader software package and used to quickly and efficiently generate pattern programs without causing machine down time.
The Gerber or DXF data here is used to provide a visual frame of reference for the user. The user first defines exclusion or "no-fly" zones by drawing boxes around features to be avoided: connectors, potentiometers, test jack points, headers, etc. Once complete, a "coverage area" is defined and the program automatically generates an efficient pattern program based on user-configurable head data. Up to four heads can be defined with height, clearance, spray width, theta angle, and other characteristics.
Smart analysis routines in the program generator highlight "danger" zones - spray coverage too close to connectors, for example. The package even includes an option to "correct all errors" - a feature that causes the program to do "best-fit" analysis and realign spray and dispense paths for best results.