Our height measurement capability has been recently augmented with the addition of the Keyence GT2 tactile height sensor. When coupled with New Precision Technology's advanced calibration procedure, the sensor perfectly follows the motion of the Z axis of a dispenser. Jogging the machine 0.0001" and having the probe follow with excellent synchronisity is causing us to re-evaluate whether the 0.002" accuracy we advertise in Z is a bit too conservative!
The new probe also has an excellent bearing for the contact rod and as a result there is no ambiguity as to what point is actually being measured. In the past with loose fitting LVDT rods, measurement of points with small areas or slopes in Z (such as circular cutouts in the XZ or YZ planes) was cause for concern as the probe could slip in the XY plane. With the new GT2, the probe is not prone to this slippage and the measurements are more accurate.
Finally the data rate out of the new probe is higher than in the past, allowing for better measurement rates and even better accuracy as more stability samples can be collected in less time.