Quality Verification and Feedback
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Our systems are used to perform a variety of tests. Assemblies can be pulled from matrix trays and leak tested. Circuit boards or mechanical assemblies can be checked with Banner or Cognex vision systems. Quality can be verified with submicron accuracy using laser based measurement systems. While these tests can often be performed in conjunction with other operations, it is often best to dedicate a machine to high resolution inspection as vibration can have a negative impact on high resolution accuracy.
With these high speed tools and techniques it becomes realistic to execute real time, in line gasket measurement during production. Gasket measurement can be conducted in either a quantitative sampling style (does the height at this point fall within the window) or in a qualitative, signature analized comparison to a gold standard (to what degree does the current gasket match a trained sample).
Gasket Scanner
For the first time, a non-destructive measurement of a gasket is possible. Measurements can be taken... [See More]