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 Tools and Resources  >  Step 1: Gasket Height  |  Step 2: Gasket Material  |  Step 3: Pressure Drop  |  Conformal Coat Usage  |  Conformal Coat Usage  |  Conformal Coat Usage 

FIP Gasket Height Details

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The FIP Gasket Height Calculator attempts to calculate a reasonable height range for a standard FIP gasket.

Height-to-Width Ratio is the ratio of the gasket being dispensed.  For self-leveling materials, 1:2 is usually a sufficient estimation.

Implementation Style describes the way the gasket is used.  If the gasket is in a channel, the channel width field appears.

Spacing Height is the height of the gasket during compression.

Compression Set is the compression set of the gasket material.  This should be provided with the material or it can be tested with the proper equipment.

Channel Width defines the width of a channel the gasket may be dispensed into.  It only appears when the Implementation Style is appropriate.

For the minimum height, the following equations are used:

Minimum Height = (Spacing Height) / (1 - Compression Set%)
Minimum Width = (Minimum Height) / (Height-To-Width Ratio)

The maximum height is calculated by matching the gasket area to the compressed area and solving for the gasket height.  Each aspect ratio has a different area calculation, but the width calculation is relatively the same.

Aspect Ratio 1:1
Maximum Height = SQR( 4 * (Spacing Height) ^ 2 * (Height-To-Width Ratio) / PI)

Aspect Ratio 1:2
Maximum Height = SQR( (Spacing Height) ^ 2 * (Height-To-Width Ratio) / PI)

Aspect Ratio 1:4
Maximum Height = SQR( (Spacing Height) ^ 2 * (Height-To-Width Ratio) / (2.7956) )

Maximum Width = (Maximum Height) / (Height-To-Width Ratio)

Finally, if the Maximum Width is larger than the Channel Width, the Maximum Width and Height are recalculated:

Maximum Width = (Channel Width)
Maximum Height = (Channel Width) * (Height-To-Width Ratio)

If the Maximum Width is less than the Minimum Width, or the Minimum Width is greater than the Channel Width, an error is displayed.

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 Tools and Resources  >  Step 1: Gasket Height  |  Step 2: Gasket Material  |  Step 3: Pressure Drop  |  Conformal Coat Usage  |  Conformal Coat Usage  |  Conformal Coat Usage 
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