This handy tool allows prospective customers to input the parameters of their application and receive recommended NPT machine setups. Multiple machine setups will be generated stressing either : overall machine cost, cost-per-part basis, or accuracy/reject rate. The tool is very user-friendly with tips for each input box and pictures to describe the desired parameter. If a parameter is unknown, it can be skipped and a default value will be used if available. Multiple projects can be saved for later viewings and can be updated at any time. Tool results will also display material consumption and show the rapid return-on-investment that NPT solutions offer.
This tool is available only to registerred users through the members tab on our web site. If you are not a member, simply register as a new member. While new members can enter all parameters, only verified registrants have web access to the final analysis. A simple phone call can verify your account and within seconds you will have access to the analysis.